powerful AI App Builder with Zero Code


BuildUp offers seamless app and website creation without coding. Our intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets you unleash your creativity effortlessly. Try our free demo today!

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Build Your App in 3 Steps


1. Get Started

Quickly Signup then choose a Business Sector and Project Name


2. Build

Build your Website and Mobile App with our easy to use Builder


3. Launch

Easily launch your Apps on the Apple Store and Google Store with BuildUp. Sit back and let us handle the rest!

Unlocking Your Benefits with BuildUp

Start with professionally crafted templates
Customize templates to suit your unique vision
Effortlessly switch between multiple templates for the same project.
Build multiple projects across different industries with ease
Launch your mobile apps on stores with a single click
Easily integrate your database and dynamic variants
Dynamically configure taxes and delivery fees for your supported areas.
Collect payments online or via cash on delivery.
Stay connected with your audience through push notifications.
Eliminate worries about hosting, domains, and mobile store accounts.

Discover our Sectors To build powerful products


Empower Your Online Store with Advanced Features and Seamless Integration



Transform Your Retail Business with Cutting-Edge Solutions and Streamlined Operations



Elevate Your Dining Experience with Tailored Solutions and Enhanced Customer Engagement


Subscription plans

by Clicking to subscribe you gain access to publish and manage your project. You will be prompted to enter payment details on the next page.

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